Mr and Mrs. Terry and Pennie Laughlin –
Founders of CrossRoads Messages

I was introduced to Pennie Rae Delimont by my house keeper, Judy Braun. Upon seeing a photo of Pennie, the Holy Spirit prompted my heart to walk through doors of opportunity for Pennie and I to grow in a relationship that is Christ honoring, Holy Spirit lead and empowered by God to enjoy all that He would have for us.
Previous to our meeting and even before the doors of our relationship were open, Pennie sat on the porch of her house surrendering the wonderful covenant of marriage completely into God’s hands. Her prayer, “Lord, if you want me to marry then lead me to the man for me, if your will is not for me to marry, then I accept your will.” It is my conviction, that was the prayer that moved “…God [to] bless the broken road that” (Rascal Flatts, Bless the Broken Road) would lead us to each other and lay the way for us to create a website that is Christ honoring, Word directed and Holy Spirit anointed to teach all who are hungry for the truths of God.
After being introduced, Pennie showed all the signs of being a woman who was God fearing, hungry to know His truths and surrendered to the Lord’s call upon her life. Pennie is my best friend; she has the gifts of helps, (Romans 12:7) she is an encourager, (Romans 12:8) my lover (Song of Songs 8:10; 7) and my protectoress. (Romans 16:1-2) She is the key person the Lord is using to encourage and assist me in reconstructing CrossRoads Ministries website into CrossRoads Messages website. She has excellent discernment on how the Lord would like for this website to look. She has shown her faithfulness to me and the Lord by sacrificing time, working through exhaustion, and steadfastly to achieve the goals God has placed before her. Her faith in what God is going to do with these Biblical teachings is inspiring, energizing and a foundation for me to stand on when the enemy and accuser of the children of God attacks my mind.
There have been many indicators and conformations which have made it clear to us that God has brought us together for the purpose of accomplishing His will, enriching each others lives and touching the lives of others with the teaching God’s Word. Pennie’s encouragements come daily and are seasoned with words of corrections and guidance. God has clearly brought us together for the purpose to getting the teaching of God’s Word outside into the world using the modern tool, the internet. In respect of God’s call upon her life and in response to her faithfulness, I ask that you prayerfully read the following information:
The Teacher: Terry L. Laughlin
His Testimony:
Before my conversion, I seldom attended church. In June of 1979, Rev. Randy Hunt shared with me the plan of salvation during premarital counseling. While I did “confess” my sins with him to please him I did not truly get saved because my confession was for the wrong reasons. I only confessed so he would perform the marriage ceremony between Bonnie and me. Even so, my mother-in-law was very perceptive, not seeing any good fruit from that prayer, and continued to pray for my salvation. After eight years of her fervent intercessory praying, the seeds that had been planted by Rev. Hunt were watered by the Holy Spirit and bore the good fruit of repentance.
Fifteen days after the sudden death of my father, I was driving home on I-70, just west of Salina, KS after a day of horseshoeing. While I drove, I felt the touch of the Holy Spirit with each passing mile. All that day, the Holy Spirit had been doing His job, convicting me of my sin and unrighteousness. While in His presence at that moment, I realized that the life I had lived to that point had been in sin against God and my wife. With tears and a broken heart, I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my spiritual heart, “Ask Me to forgive you.” I remember my response clearly. I said, “Jesus, forgive me of my sins and make me the husband to my wife that she deserves.” At that moment, I felt the weight of sin lifted off me. I felt Jesus touch me. My heart of stone became soft and responsive to the Holy Spirit and, with all that was within me, I wanted to please God. (Ezekiel 36:26-27) At that moment, there was Holy Spirit illumination that my sins were cast as far from me as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:12) The old had gone and the new had come; I was a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
From Terry’s Heart: If the church of Jesus Christ is going to be an aggressive witness for the Lord to generations to come, then she must have men and women whom have Christ-apportioned gifts to oversee her. (Ephesians 4:7-13) The Holy-Spirit-illuminated child of God has a heart that is hungry to grow in his knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. True church leadership sets the example in study of God’s Word so as to “do [their] best to present [themselves] to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
We live in a day where Biblical-anemic preaching and well-written books have replaced the meat of God’s word with marshmallow phrases that are pleasing to itching ears, thus leaving religious people being guided by their flesh, the world’s view and even the lies of the devil. Just as in the days of Martin Luther, we need a reformation in the Church. The Body of Christ needs Biblical shepherds called and anointed by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28) who can proclaim God’s truth’s leading disciples of Christ to the holiness of God and enabling them to live a life of true repentance.
Plenty of gifted communicators in the modern church already occupy the pulpits, but their short sermons are shallow, focusing on human relationships, successful living, emotional issues and other practical worldly themes. Thus, many church attendees find themselves under the exhortation found in Hebrews 5:12-14, “In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”
Christians, hungry to be used by God, dig deep down into the meat of God’s Word so they can become mature. Bible teachers are responsible to give an accountability of their study habits so as to set the Biblical example. (1 Timothy 4:12-14)
It is my Biblical conviction that no one should spend time reading Christians’ writings until they have first been taught the joy of Holy Spirit’s leading as they prayerfully read the Word of God. Ephesians 6:17 says the “sword of the Spirit, …is the Word of God.” Jesus promised, “…the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26) Our Lord said, “…Man does not live on bread alone, but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)
As much as possible I try to get the whole council of God’s Word before making key decisions, especially when preaching and teaching the Holy Scriptures. My charge is “…Preach the Word.” “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage–with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2) “Preach” (kerússo) means to especially preach, publish or announce religious truth, the gospel with its attendant privileges and obligations in this gospel dispensation. (The Complete Word Study Dictionary; Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament; Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon: Wuest Word Studies in the Greek New Testament) Truly, the Lord has enabled CrossRoads to publicly proclaim the written Word of God. Pastors, high quality para-church ministries, Christians and non-Christians have expressed their appreciation and thankfulness for having the opportunity to read our Bible teachings on a regular basis. For This We Do Praise the Lord!
It is my Biblical conviction I should study aggressively, what I learn should be written down and I must be diligent in these matters. (Romans 12:6; 2 Timothy 4:1-2; 1 Timothy 4:13-15; Exodus 17:14; Isaiah 8:1; 30:8; Jeremiah 45:1; Malachi 3:16) The Holy Spirit on several occasions has led me to Isaiah 8:1, “The Lord said to me, ‘Take a large scroll and write on it with an ordinary pen…’” I love what Matthew Henry wrote in regard to the truths proclaimed in this passage of Scripture: “Those who speak and write of the things of God should avoid obscurity, and study to speak and write so as to be understood.”
Bible Study Aides: Over the years I have noticed that four cancers devour the recognized man-made church that hinders the work of the true church, those who have indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ. These cancers— legalism, traditionalism, denominationalism and faddism—now and will continue to plague the work of God until Christ returns. To protect me from error and from these life-destroying influences, I have invested in Bible study material done by men whom have proven faithful in devoting themselves to the public reading, teaching and preaching of the Word of God. Bible study teachers who have watched their life and doctrine closely as well as not neglected their gift, proven diligent, faithful in hardships and severe trials. I have compiled a complete list for your convenience:
Logos Bible Software – Silver Scholar’s Library Edition
Electronic Books Included and Other Study Material
English Bibles
- New International Version**
- New Living Translation
- New American Standard Bible – 1995 Update
- English Standard Version
- The NET Bible w/ translators’ notes
- Holman Christian Standard Bible
- The Message
- American Standard Version
- New Revised Standard Version
- Revised Standard Version
- Darby Bible 1890
- New Century Version
- International Standard Version – New Testament
- New King James Version
- King James Version
- King James Version Apocrypha
- King James Version: Cambridge Paragraph Bible
- Word Study Bible: KJV (Zodhiates)
- Young’s Literal Translation
- Wuest’s Expanded NT
- The Layman’s Parallel Bible
Interlinear Bibles
- The Greek New Testament, Fourth Revised Edition w/ McReynolds English Interlinear & Logos Morphology
- Nestle-Aland 27th Edition Greek NT w/ McReynolds English Interlinear & Logos Morphology
- Interlinear Literal Translation of the Greek New Testament (Newberry)
- ESV English-Greek Reverse Interlinear of the NT
- ESV English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear of the OT
- NRSV English-Greek Reverse Interlinear of the NT
Greek Texts & Morphology
- The Lexham Syntactic Greek New Testament
- The Open Text.org Syntactically Analyzed Greek New Testament
- Byzantine/Majority Text form w/ Robinson Morphology
- Elzevir Textus Receptus (1624) w/ Robinson Morphology
- Scrivener’s Textus Receptus (1894) w/ Robinson Morphology
- Stephen’s Textus Receptus (1550) w/ Robinson Morphology
- Westcott-Hort Greek NT (1881) w/ Robinson Morphology
- Tischendorf’s Greek New Testament
- Septuagint (Rahlfs) w/CCAT Morphological Tagging
- Nestle-Aland 27th Edition Greek NT w/ GRAM CORD™ Greek New Testament Alpha Morphological Database
- Nestle-Aland 27th Edition Greek NT w/ Logos Morphology
- The Greek New Testament, Fourth Revised Edition w/ Logos Morphology
- The Greek New Testament, Fourth Revised Edition w/ Swanson Morphology
- The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts
- Analytical Greek New Testament w/ Friberg Morphology
Hebrew Texts & Morphology
- The Andersen-Forbes Analyzed Text of the Hebrew Bible
- Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia w/ WIVU Hebrew Morphology
Aramaic Text & Morphology
- The Targums from the files of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project
Syriac Texts & Morphology
- Syriac Peshitta NT w/ Morphology
- Old Syrian Gospels : Codex Curetonianus
- Old Syrian Gospels : Codex Sinaiticus
Latin Texts
- Clementine Vulgate
Ancient Texts in Translation
- Amarna Letters
- Complete Works of Josephus
- Works of Philo
- Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume 1
- Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume 2
- Ancient Egyptian Literature, Volume 3
Greek Lexicons
- Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament
- Dictionary of Biblical Languages (Greek NT)
- Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon
- Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon (Liddell & Scott)
- Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged (“Little Kittel”)
- Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (10 Volumes)
- A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint (Lust)
- Greek-English Lexicon Based on Semantic Domains (Louw-Nida)
- Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament
- NAS Greek Dictionary
- Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
- Vines Amplified Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
- Word Meanings in the New Testament (Earle)
Hebrew & Aramaic Lexicons
- NAS Hebrew Dictionary
- A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament
- Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon of the OT
- Dictionary of Biblical Languages (Aramaic OT)
- Dictionary of Biblical Languages (Hebrew OT)
- Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament
- Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the OT Scriptures (Gesenius)
Syriac Lexicon
- Analytical Lexicon of the Syriac NT
Latin Lexicon
- Dictionary of the Vulgate New Testament
Original Language Grammars
- Elements of NT Greek (Nunn)
- Key to the Elements of NT Greek (Nunn)
- Syntax of NT Greek (Nunn)
- Syntax of the Moods and Tenses in NT Greek
- Greek New Testament Insert (Chapman-Shogren)
- Hebrew Bible Insert
- Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar
- Hebrew Grammar (Gesenius)
- Hebrew Syntax, 3rd Edition (Davidson)
Latin Grammar
- An Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin
Original Language Tools
- Tense Voice Mood
- Glossary of Morpho-Syntactic Database Terminology
- Clausal Outlines of the Greek New Testament (Deppe)
- Diagrammatical Analysis
- The Andersen-Forbes Analyzed Text of the Hebrew Bible: A Systematic Glossary
- The Andersen-Forbes Phrase Marker Analysis of the Hebrew Bible
- The Lexham Syntactic Greek New Testament Glossary
- The Lexham Syntactic Greek New Testament: Sentence Analysis
- The Open Text.org Syntactically Analyzed Greek New Testament Glossary
- The Open Text.org Syntactically Analyzed Greek New Testament: Clause Analysis
- Building Your Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary
- Building Your New Testament Greek Vocabulary
Bible Commentaries
- Teacher’s Commentary
- New Bible Commentary
- Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary
- Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
- Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the OT (10 Volumes)
- Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Bible
- Life of Christ (3 Volumes)
- St. Paul the Traveler and Roman Citizen
- Saint Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon (Lightfoot)
- St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians (Lightfoot)
- St. Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians (Lightfoot)
- Bible Exposition Commentary (23 Volumes)
- Be Available (Judges)
- Be Comforted (Isaiah)
- Be Committed (Ruth & Esther)
- Be Decisive (Jeremiah)
- Be Determined (Nehemiah)
- Be Holy (Leviticus)
- Be Obedient (Abraham)
- Be Patient (Job)
- Be Satisfied (Ecclesiastes)
- Be Skillful (Proverbs)
- Be Strong (Joshua)
- The Pulpit Commentary (77 Volumes)
- New American Commentary (31 Volumes)
- Bible Knowledge Commentary
- Barnes Notes
- Thru The Bible
- The Treasury of David (Spurgeon)
Bible Introductions & Outlines
- Introducing the New Testament
- Introducing the Old Testament
- Survey of Old Testament Introduction
- Why Four Gospels?
- Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament
- Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the Old Testament
- Willmington’s Bible Handbook
- General Introduction to the Bible
- New Testament Introduction
- Old Testament Survey Series: The Pentateuch
- Old Testament Survey Series: The Books of History
- Old Testament Survey Series: The Wisdom Literature and Psalms
- Old Testament Survey Series: The Major Prophets
- Old Testament Survey Series: The Minor Prophets
- Outline Bible (Tyndale)
- Bible Reader’s Companion
Topical Bibles
- New Nave’s Topical Bible
- New Topical Textbook
Bible Dictionaries
- Complete Word Study Dictionary NT
- Easton’s Bible Dictionary
- Tyndale Bible Dictionary
- Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names
- Harper’s Bible Dictionary
- New Bible Dictionary
- The New International Dictionary of the Bible
- Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements
Biblical Studies Tools
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
- Willmington’s Book of Bible Lists
- NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Studies
- Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament (4 Volumes)
- Word Pictures in the New Testament
- Synonyms of the Old Testament (Girdlestone)
- New Testament Synonyms (Trench)
- Figures of Speech Used in the Bible (Bullinger)
- Wuest’s Word Studies
Bible Maps & Photos
- Logos Deluxe Map Set
- Images of the Holy Lands
Biblical History & Culture
- Time Travel to the World of Jesus
- Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (Edersheim)
- Sketches of Jewish Social Life (Edersheim)
- The Temple (Edersheim)
- New Testament Milieu
- New Manners and Customs of the Bible
- Bible History: Old Testament (Edersheim)
Bible Archaeology
- Dead Sea Scrolls & Modern Translations of the OT
- Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land
History of the Church
- Early Church Fathers (37 Volumes)
- Studies in Early Church History
- History of the Christian Church
- The Story of the Christian Church (Jessie Hurlbut)
- Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
- Biblical Theology of the New Testament
- Biblical Theology of the Old Testament
- Concise Theology (Packer)
- Dogmatic Theology (Shedd)
- Systematic Theology (Hodge)
- Systematic Theology, 3 Volumes (Strong)
- Institutes of the Christian Religion
- Ryrie’s Survey of Bible Doctrine
- Great Doctrines of the Bible
- Moody Handbook of Theology
- Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible (Myer Peralman)
- Christian Theology (Erickson)
Biblical Ethics
- Biblical Ethics
- Following Christ
- Ethics for a Brave New World
- Moral Foundations of Life
- Difficulties in the Bible: Alleged Errors and Contradictions
Pastoral Resources
- Star Book for Ministers
Fresh Ideas Series
- Fresh Ideas for Administration & Finance
- Fresh Ideas for Discipleship & Nurture
- Fresh Ideas for Families, Youth & Children
- Fresh Ideas for Preaching, Worship & Evangelism
Leadership Library Series
- Called into Crisis
- Clergy Couples in Crisis
- Leaders
- Learning to Lead
- Liberating the Leader’s Prayer Life
- Making the Most of Mistakes
- Sins of the Body
- The Contemplative Pastor
- The Healthy Hectic Home
- The Magnetic Fellowship
- The Secrets of Staying Power
- The Unity Factor
- Weddings, Funerals & Special Events
- Well-Intentioned Dragons
- When It’s Time to Move On
- When to Take a Risk
- Music, Youth & Education
- Preaching to Convince
- Helping Those Who Don’t Want Help
- Being Holy, Being Human
Library of Leadership Development
- Leading Your Church Through Conflict & Resolution
- Renewing Your Church Through Vision & Planning
- Growing Your Church Through Training & Motivation
- Building Your Church Through Counsel & Care
Library of Christian Leadership
- Changing Lives Through Preaching and Worship
- Deepening Your Ministry Through Prayer & Personal Growth
- Empowering Your Church Through Creativity & Change
- Growing Your Church Through Evangelism & Outreach
Mastering Ministry Series
- Mastering Church Finances
- Mastering Church Management
- Mastering Conflict & Controversy
- Mastering Contemporary Preaching
- Mastering Outreach & Evangelism
- Mastering Pastoral Care
- Mastering Pastoral Counseling
- Mastering Pastoral Role
- Mastering Personal Growth
- Mastering Teaching
- Mastering Transitions
- Mastering Worship
Pastor’s Soul Series
- Character Forged From Conflict
- Deepening Your Conversation With God
- Leading With Integrity
- Listening to the Voice of God
- Your Ministry’s Next Chapter
- Pastoral Grit
- Power of Loving Your Church
- Preaching With Spiritual Passion
Pressure Points Series
- Pressure Points: Dangers, Toils & Snares
- Pressure Points: Measuring Up
- Pressure Points: Standing Fast
- Pressure Points: Time Crunch
- Pressure Points: Voice in the Wilderness
- Pressure Points: Who’s In Charge?
- Elements of Preaching
- Rediscovering Expository Preaching
- Selected Sermons of George Whitefield
- Sermons on Several Occasions
- Sermon Starters, Vols 1-4 (Zodhiates)
- How to Prepare Bible Messages (James Barga)
- Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations
- 10,000 Sermon Illustrations
- AMG Bible Illustrations
- All the Questions in the Bible
- Great Quotations
- The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Quotations
Small Group Resources
- Big Book of Small Groups
- Seven Myths About Small Groups
- Small Group Idea Book
- Small Group Leaders’ Handbook: The Next Generation
- Starting (and Ending) a Small Group
- Getting Together
- Good Things Come in Small Groups
- Biblical Foundations for Small Group Ministry
Bible Study Training
- How To Study the Bible
- Handbook to Bible Study
- Diving For Pearls in God’s Treasure Chest
- Keys to the Bible’s Treasures
- True Evangelism
- Training of the Twelve
- Necessity of Prayer
- Power Through Prayer
- Prayer: Basic Training
- Handbook To Prayer
Family Dynamics
- Different By Design
- Fulfilled Family
Home School & Christian Education
- Keyword Learning System
- Soul of Science
English Language Reference
- Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition
- Merriam-Webster Collegiate Thesaurus
Christian Reference
- Who’s Who in Christian History
- Who’s Who In the Bible
Christian Living
- Be What You Are
- Christian’s Secret of a Holy Life
- Growing In Christ
- Fourfold Gospel
- Living a Full Life
- Logos Hymnal, 100 MIDI Hymns
- Alone with God
- Amazing Grace: 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories
- Drawing Close to God
- Imitation of Christ
- Morning and Evening
- My Utmost for His Highest
- Thoughts for the Quiet Hour
- Pilgrim’s Progress
- In His Steps
Addins Included
- Bible Tools Addin
- LLS Addin
- Logos Bible Software Addin
- Personal Bible Study Tools Addin
- Lectionary Addin
- Bible Puzzles Addin
- Biblical People Addin
- Timelines Addin (8 Timelines)
- Sentence Diagramming Addin
- Graphical Query Editor Addin
- Syntax Tools Addin
- Compare Parallel Bible Versions Addin
- Biblical Languages Addin
- Original Languages Addin
- Bible Analysis Addin
- Greek Pronunciation Addin with Erasmian & Modern Data Sets
- Remote Library Search Addin
Parallel Passages Included
- Analytical Outline of the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles (Crockett)
- Synopsis of the Old Testament (Jackson)
- OT Quotations and Allusions in the NT (Jones)
- Old Testament Quotes in the New Testament (HCSB)
- A Harmony of the Gospels (Robertson)
- A Harmony of the Synoptic Gospels (Burton, Goodspeed)
- Synopsis of Matthew, Mark, and Luke
- Eusebian Canons (Eusebius)
- Synopsis of the Four Gospels (Aland)
- Records of the Life of Jesus (Sharman)
- Pastoral Epistles (Brannan)
- Jude – 2 Peter (Jackson)
Berean University:
of the Assemblies of God
School of the Bible
In addition, here are the transcript of my grades I achieved while attending Berean University.
Terry L. Laughlin
702 W. Waverly Norton, KS 67654 |
Start Date: 1990-0802000
Current Major: CRED-Ministerial Credentials |
Dept/Course Completed | Course Title | Grade | CEUs | Date |
B1152 | Life of Christ | A | 4 | 01/17/1991 |
TH231 | The Holy Spirit | B | 4 | 03/14/1991 |
B1256 | Romans | B | 4 | 11/21/1991 |
B1164 | Hebrews & General Epistles | A | 6 | 10/01/1992 |
B1255 | Acts | B | 4 | 05/17/1993 |
B1259 | First Corinthians | A | 4 | 11/03/1993 |
PR323 | Sermon Preparation | A | 4 | 01/19/1996 |
TH102 | Pentecostal Truth | A | 2 | 09/30/1997 |
BI101 | Bible Survey | A | 4 | 12/11/1997 |
BI103 | Old Testament Studies | B | 6 | 01/05/1998 |
BI161 | Pauline Epistles | B | 6 | 01/23/1998 |
TH201 | Doctrines of the Bible | B | 4 | 02/05/1998 |
TH108 | Prophetic Light | A | 2 | 02/10/1998 |
BI1267 | Revelation | A | 4 | 03/11/1998 |
TH351 | History of the Church
History of Mission Dispensational Studies |
A B |
4 2 |
06/18/1998 05/08/1998 |
TH132 | Gifts of the Spirit | A | 2 | 05/21/1991 |
TH106 | Heaven | A | 4 | 08/14/1991 |
TH136 | The Believer’s Security | C | 4 | 01/22/1992 |
TH133 | Doctrine of Glossolalia | A | 4 | 09/15/1997 |
I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for leading me to the teachings of God’s Word and the examples set before me as these preachers apply the homiletic structure taught to them. As the Lord makes the way I hope to learn from others who have the same convictions as I have on Biblical exposition. Until that time, it is my hope that you will allow the Holy Spirit to give you understanding on my convictions; and I pray that the Lord will lead you to the house of God that proclaims the Word of God in a way that feeds you and your family the life-giving truth found only in Holy Scripture.