Publically Informing The Misinformed


There is a phrase often spoken among those in Christendom, “Preaching to the Choir.” A term to describe when the preacher is teaching on a topic familiar to and approved by the audience. A truth worth grasping, this is exactly what is happening today. For the most part, Christian radio, writings and preaching in churches are addressing a crowd that is familiar with the topics being taught which are approved by their audiences. Very seldom is the church effectively getting God’s Word out to people who are jaded by their own views, to a people drawn by worldly enticements and to people who are blatantly being lied to by the Devil’s influences.  While standing in the pulpit of a church an elderly Pastor told those he was speaking to, “It is a waste of time and money to get the word of God out through the news, radio and internet media.” The church he oversees today is still ineffective in informing their community about the issues of the day. Thus the world view, “The church has no answers for us today.”

The church must reclaim her call, “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season.” (2 Timothy 4:1-2)  Our charge is made before God and Jesus Christ for the purpose of building the Kingdom of God. The charge, “Preach (κηρύσσω kērússō) the Word… (λόγος lógos)meaning to publish abroad, announce publicly, [outside church walls] proclaiming the truths of God’s Word along with the privileges and obligations of the gospel of Christ as it pertains for today. (Zodhiates, S. (200) The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament; Luke 8:39; Mark 5:20)  The Word of God must be taught weather it is popular or not popular among those who are being informed of the Lord’s view, directions and expectations about the issues being discussed. This charge goes beyond teaching Christian truths in the church, it gives Christians a command to go outside the church walls and proclaim His truth (Luke 8:39; Mark 5:20) about the challenges being faced by people every day.

Christians who study to show themselves approved of God, must reclaim the charge given in 2 Timothy. Obedient Christians publically address [outside the church walls], the Sanctity of Life, Biblical Marriage, Sexuality, God and government as well has other social challenges. There are so many avenues God has for us to use, radio, TV, internet, twitter, texting, as well other opportunities.  Is your church publically addressing the issues of today through publishing the whole council of God’s Word?