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Looking For Love
What the world needs now is love… true Biblical love. But just what is true Biblical love? There are four types of love. The Greek language (the original language of the New Testament) uses four separate words that describe different kinds of human affection that are all translated as “love” in English.
The Greek word “eros” is defined as a passionate emotion. It is physical sexual attraction, infatuation or the lust for power, wealth or fame. It is also indicative of the strong feelings of patriotism. It is commonly selfishly motivated and arises from a person’s own inner desires. The Greek word “storge” is an affectionate emotion. This love is a naturally born emotion and is typical of the bonds between parent and child or the attraction between a loyal citizen and a trustworthy ruler. Both of these types of love are very unstable and are easily affected by present circumstances. They can wax and wane depending on the whim of the day. Unfortunately, these are the very two types of love that seem to be most widely sought after. Certainly, most forms of media and music promote these forms of “love.” It is interesting to note that neither of these words is used for the love found in the New Testament.
A third type of love is “phileo.” This is the cherishing and endearing love of a husband and wife, family members for one another, or the love of life-long friends. It is a deeply tender love that holds someone or something ever so dear to the heart.
So, what is true Biblical love? “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This is “agape” love, the most supreme love, the love of God. It is selfless and sacrificial. It is a love that is controlled not by emotion, but by the mind, the reason and the will. It does what is right no matter what the circumstances. It goes so far as to love those that do not deserve to be loved. This is the love that Jesus Christ has shown us by dying on the cross for our sins. He was sinless and guiltless. Without Christ, we are wicked and full of sin, deserving death and eternal separation from the purity and holiness of Almighty God. This love is available to each of us, but it must be received. Jesus was crucified between two guilty criminals. One mocked and scorned Him up to the time of his own death. The other looked to Jesus in faith and believed, receiving forgiveness. Which one will you be — the mocker or the believer?
Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, than he lay down his life for his friends. You are My friend if you do what I command.”